How to Make a Time lapse
Since 2008, I have probably tried to figure out how to make a time-lapse with nearly every single device I’ve gotten my hands on. So much to the point that a couple of the timelapse videos I’ve made have gone on to be nominated for best time-lapse of the year and have gotten me clients who’ve paid me just to make time-lapses.

So I’ve boiled down everything I’ve learned, and all the mistakes I’ve made so I can share the most efficient and important tips on how to make a time-lapse.
I’ll begin with the fundamentals because these are easy and simple tips that I see many people make when shooting their time lapses.
If you want to level up your time lapse and hyperlapse game so you can charge more money and save hours of headaches and frustration. I have made a course for you that over 400 students have enrolled in!
I’m confident Hyperflow Masterclass will get you from zero to shooting like a pro or I’ll give you your money back!
Check out the course here to see if it’s right for you.
How to Make a Time lapse

I believe the most important thing in understanding how to make a timelapse is understanding the goal of a timelapse. The goal is simple, to show motion and how a scene changes over time.
So let’s dive in and learn how to make a timelapse video.
What is a Time lapse Video
A time lapse video is a video made up of photos. The photos are played in quick succession, like a flip book. Creating a seamless video that shows us something we can’t usually see with our naked eye.
Things like the accumulation of snow, the movements of a cloud, or the rotation of the stars.
Time lapse video is the exact opposite of slow motion. Slow motion is where something slows down, a timelapse video would be showing something sped up.
Creating a time-lapse video may seem difficult and like a lot of work. But smartphones and DSLR’s are so sophisticated that it’s actually a lot easier than you think especially if you follow my tips below.
Choose a Subject for Your Time lapse Video

Choosing the subject is THE FOUNDATION on how to shoot a good timelapse video that people will actually want to watch.
Without a good subject, the viewer won’t know where to look, or won’t really care. Which begs the question.
What Makes a Good Time Lapse Subject

Anything that allows us to show how time is changing the scene that we are looking at. In short, anything that shows movement.
For example clouds, the sun, the moon, stars, the ocean, tide rising or falling, traffic, snow accumulating/melting, flowers blooming etc would all be good subjects because they have movement and change over time.
The next fundamental tip on how to shoot a time-lapse is composition.
Plan the Composition of Your Time lapse Video

Just like in photography or videography, basic composition tips apply. The most common one is the rule of thirds.
The rule of thirds divides your camera screen into nine squares. The rule simply means that if you can make an image more interesting by placing an object on one of the intersecting lines of those nine squares.
So a simple tip to improve your time-lapse is to place a subject on one of the intersecting lines.
The rule of thirds also has two horizontal, or HORIZON lines. This is extremely helpful for shooting subjects like clouds, stars, the milky way or the aurora borealis.
When the sky is really interesting, use the horizon line to frame your shot and allow the sky to take up 2/3rds of your screen. This will almost always be the case for stars, aurora borealis, dramatic sunsets with clouds.

If the sky is cloudless or relatively uninteresting, don’t let the sky take up that much of the screen.

Another fundamental of composition that really helps is symmetry.
Think Wes Anderson when you’re finding your scenes. If you can find things that are symmetrical line them up because there is just something so satisfying about finding repeating lines.

Great, so now that we’ve tackled the importance of choosing a subject with movement, and composition. It’s time to tackle one of the most important, and difficult decisions you will need to make.
Choose the Best Frame Rate for Your Time lapse Video

Unless shooting on your smartphone’s native timelapse app, you don’t need to do this step. But again it’s great to understand because on all other apps and devices, you will need to choose.
A frame rate is referring to the number of frames that get played per second. It will be referred to as Frames Per Second, or FPS.
The most common options are 23.976 frames per second or 24fps, 29.97 frames per second or 30fps or even 60fps. If you want to know more about frame rates read more here.
A good and simple rule of thumb is to mimic what our eyes see in. Which is 24fps. This will also help you figure out how many photos you need to take which will be handy for the next tip.
Decide How Long You Want Your Final Time lapse Video to Be

One of the biggest mistakes people make when shooting a time lapse is not thinking about how long the final video should be.
I’m going to make this easy. I’d strongly suggest no longer than 10 seconds. Even though I love making time lapses and have earned a living from making them. If it takes longer than that, it’s too freaking long.
Most shots we see in anything won’t be longer than 10 seconds. Even if you were to try to make a living shooting time lapse videos for stock websites, they don’t want clips longer than 15 seconds.

So I strongly recommend just always shooting your scenes to be 10 seconds long. You can always speed it up later to make it more interesting or choose the most interesting bit in your edit later.
How many photos do you need to make sure the time lapse video is 10 seconds? Easy, just multiply your frame rate from above x 10.
Since I’m recommending you shoot at 24 fps and have a final video no longer than 10 seconds. I’m suggesting you get in the habit of always shooting 240 photos because 24×10 = 240.
The only time I’d recommend shooting a longer time lapse is because you do not know what interval to shoot at.
To be safe you are shooting WAY more photos than you need and you know that even if the timelapse is 10 minutes, you’re going to speed it up in the editing room to make it 10 seconds.
How to Choose An Interval for Time Lapse Video?

Choosing an interval is one of the most difficult things to figure out when starting and what I get asked about most often.
If you are shooting on your smartphone’s native “time lapse mode” you won’t need to worry about this.
But it’s definitely worth understanding what an interval is, and how it affects your scene because it will help you make better decisions when editing your smartphone time-lapses.
Let’s start by answering what is an interval? An interval is simply the amount of time that “lapses” between each photo. Hence the term time lapse.

Ultimately, the interval you choose has the biggest impact on the time lapse video we are creating because it will determine how fast the scene we watch moves.
That is important because if the scene moves too slowly, the viewer will get bored and if it moves too quickly the viewer will feel jarred or not even know what the heck they looked at.
This is important because EVERYTHING moves at different speeds. Cars move a lot faster than the sun or the stars. Clouds move way faster than a flower blooming.
So depending on the subject you chose, the next question you will have to choose is how fast is it moving and make an educated guess on what interval to choose.
Luckily there are some great starting out points that are easy enough to remember and you can bookmark this page until you do.
For shooting traffic/people. An interval of 1-2 seconds.

When shooting clouds use an interval of 3-5 seconds depending on how fast they are moving.

Sometimes clouds look like they are stuck in the sky, when this is happening use an interval of 6-10 seconds.
A great interval for stars is 20 seconds. While the aurora borealis moves faster so 10-15 seconds.

This should get you into a decent starting spot if just starting out. Remember you can bookmark this and adjust your settings based on your preferences.
When in doubt, shoot at a FASTER interval. IE 1-2 seconds. The reason is you can ALWAYS SPEED UP the video and it will look good.
But, I NEVER RECOMMEND SLOWING DOWN a time-lapse video. It will look really choppy, stuttery, and nasty.
Prevent Flicker and Light Changes

This is advanced, and mostly going to apply to using professional timelapse apps, and DSLR shooters. But it is easy enough to understand.
The main thing for smartphone shooters to know is to use your screen to select a focus and exposure BEFORE beginning the time lapse.
When you get the hang of that below are some more advanced quick tips on how to shoot a timelapse video a bit more like a pro.
Flicker is often caused is the dramatic change of light in our scene.
For example, maybe the sun goes behind the clouds for a photo, then comes back out, then hides again.
When we play these photos in a fast timelapse video. The result can sometimes be our video flickers between really bright and dark images creating distracting pulses of light that no one enjoys watching.
We can fix this by using more professional timelapse apps on our smartphone, or on our DSLR by doing three simple things.
- Switching to a manual or semi-manual mode.
- Turning off auto white balance
- Making sure we turned off autofocus.
For the semi-manual mode. I recommend aperture priority mode commonly found on camera’s or referred to as AV mode.

For auto-white balance. I recommend cloudy. You can always change the white balance in post.
The key here is if we leave it in auto, EVERY SINGLE PHOTO will have a different white balance and create unwanted color changes.
We want to turn off autofocus because things will inevitably move in front of and away from our camera. If we leave it on, our camera will choose different things to focus on from photo to photo and it will look terrible.
Trust me.
Once you get in the hang of that you might even find yourself shooting in full manual.
The last technique we can do is a photography technique referred to as “dragging the shutter” or taking a long exposure.
By taking a longer photo, we essentially “blend” the individual photos a bit better. Resulting in a more pleasing photo.
A good rule of thumb for this is to make your photos half a second exposure. This will give you motion blur (which is good in a timelapse) and blend the light from photo to photo.
If you are shooting time lapses during the day, it may be very bright and make it difficult to get motion blur. This is when you may want to purchase a neutral-density filter for your camera.
Basically sunglasses for your camera that reduces the amount of light your camera sees.
We’ll get more into that in the next section.
Select the Right Gear for Your Time lapse

It’s important when learning how to take a time-lapse that you have three basic pieces of gear that you ABSOLUTELY NEED. The rest are optional.
First and foremost a camera for obvious reasons.
The second thing you need for timelapse video is a tripod or a way to keep your camera steady.
You don’t want your camera moving between each photo other wise it will look really jumpy. And you definitely don’t want to hold it the whole time.
Lastly, you want an intervalometer. This word sounds intimidating, but most cameras have these built in.

An intervalometer is what tells the camera the interval you want to take a photo at. So you don’t have to count in your head and take a photo.
You tell the camera what interval you want, and the camera does the rest!
But here are some additional pieces of gear that you may want to invest in should you continue down the rabbit hole.
Neutral density filters. Again like sunglasses, they allow you do shoot and get nice blues and motion blur in the middle of the day.
For smartphones the ND filters I like are, and for DSLR’s my absolute favorite are the Peter McKinnon ones (on the expensive side) or the HOYA sets.
A STURDY tripod. Travel tripods are great, they work, but eventually you may want to upgrade to a heavy tripod for high winds and astrophotography.

Trust me, there’s nothing worse than spending lots of money to go on vacation to try and shoot the milky way or aurora borealis and have it ruined by wind blowing your tripod and camera over and at best case scenario ruining the shot but worst case breaking your camera.

I’d recommend getting flashlights if you end up doing sunrises or astrophotography or anything involving the night. You definitely don’t want them on while your time-lapse is shooting.

BUT, when it’s time to pack up or set up your shot and you can’t see your equipment because it’s dark. Having a flashlight or even better a headlight is very helpful.

SD Cards and external hard drives. Remember that a time-lapse is made up of hundreds of photos. Each photo takes up space.
This can take up a lot of memory and storage.

The more you get into this fun creative field the more storage you’ll need. I recommend SD cards and external hard drives to store all your stuff.
A good camera bag is also going to be handy. You may find yourself hiking to places to get these shots, or wanting a safe and comfortable way to carry your gear.

I have used the Peak Design backpacks for the last 6 years and absolutely love them. Lightweight, waterproof, and carry a surprising amount of gear very comfortably.
What I love about the peak design bags is that my water bottle and tripod can easily fit on the outside so I always have two very important things when shooting. Water and a tripod.

Remember to bring extra layers, water and snacks. Since you have a backpack. I recommend when prepping bring some extra layers, especially if planning to shoot long-term or overnight.

You never know when it may get cold and having things like gloves, a windbreaker, beanie, and snacks might be the difference between a miserable shoot and a great shoot.
For compact wind jackets, I really like UNIQLO’s ultra-light jacket. It’s as light as a feather, stylish, and best of all folds up to be as small as a camera.
Even if you don’t end up needing it, it acts as an extra cushion for your gear.
A slider or dolly. As you progress in the world of time-lapse you may want to add movement to your shots. These are really advanced, but may be great next-level tools to add an extra dimension to your shots.
Plan Your Shoot Logistics

The next thing I recommend doing when learning how to shoot a timelapse video is learn how to plan. This is another thing I see so few people do and am surprised because planning is really easy.
Planning will save you hours, and a lot of headaches.
To plan I use google maps on my desktop. I type in the address that I am trying to shoot and the general location.
Then I drag and drop the little yellow guy on the bottom right-hand side of the image onto the area I want to see the street view from to access the location.

This comes in incredibly handy because now I have an idea about where I am shooting from, what it will look like.

But even better because it’s in Google Maps, I can type in the address I am traveling from, and can figure out the best path to get there by plugging in the directions.

It will tell me what train, bus, or walking route to take and I can even say I want to arrive by a certain time and it will reverse engineer the time for me to leave.
This will save you so much time and frustration.
Another app I like to use to plan is Photographer’s Ephemeris. This will help me keep track of the sunrise and sunset as well as the moon, stars, and just about everything.
It’s free on desktop which is great. Or a 10$ app via apple or google.
The last app I love to use is PhotoPills. It’s just like TPE mentioned above, but has an augmented reality ability which is great for tracking the sunset, sunrises, stars, moon and milk way in real-time from wherever you are standing.
Again 10$ but absolutely worth every penny.
Arrive at Your Filming Location Early

Like a lot of things in life, showing up matters. So it’s important to show up to your location on time, and if it’s your first time in the area show up a bit early.
Trust me showing up early and being prepared is way better than showing up a bit late and hurrying to set up your shot. Being in a hurry is how you make mistakes.
One of the quickest ways to break your camera is by being late, frazzled, and trying to set up and accidentally kicking over your tripod.
The sign of a smart person is to learn from the mistakes of others. So learn from mine.
Show up early. Get familiar, and take your time setting up. Bring a book or audiobook if you are really worried about being bored.
Choose the Best Camera Settings for Your Time lapse Video

Alright, 99% of the work of how to shoot a timelapse video has been done at this point. You’re pretty much ready to shoot because you know how many photos you want.
You know how long you want your video to be, composition, location and how to get there.
Now it’s time to dial in those settings.
If you aren’t cool with going full manual no worries. As previously mentioned use aperture priority or AV mode. This will make take a lot of guesswork out of the decision for you.
Next confirm you are not in auto-white balance. White balance is figured out by adding tints of green or purple, to temperatures of yellow or blue. Resulting in specific shades of white.
There are MILLIONS of different combos that are so similar, but slightly different. If we leave auto white balance on, each photo could be slightly different. And since we speed these photos up, IT WILL SHOW UP and look very odd.
The best way to attack this is just to CHOOSE A WHITE BALANCE. I recommend cloudy. You can always edit it later.

The one thing we haven’t talked about yet is SHUTTER SPEED.
Shutter speed is the speed that the shutter opens and closes when taking an image. It’s important because the faster the shutter, the quicker the photo takes and the more you FREEZE any motion in the image.
For time-lapse we DO NOT WANT to freeze motion. We want to SEE THE MOTION. So we want to get MOTION BLUR if possible.
A fun experiment you can do right now is put one of your hands in front of your face. Look at your hand and start waving it. Notice that your hand looks like a blur.
That is what we are after.
For a time-lapse. The best possible shutter speed settings are to get our shutter speed to be one-half of our interval.
So if our interval is 1 second. Our ideal shutter speed would be 1/2 a second.
If our interval was 10 seconds, our ideal shutter speed is 5 seconds.
I really want to stress the word IDEAL here. It’s more a nice if we can do it, but if you don’t have nuetral density filters you might not be able to in EVERY situation.
Don’t worry, that’s not the most important thing. The main goal is to get MOTION BLUR. If you can’t get it to 1/2 of your interval. Just have your shutter speed as slow as you possibly can.
Motion blur goes a long way to making our footage look smoother and less jittery. This is a big distinction from a smartphone timelapse with the native apps vs specific apps or professional equipment.
Shoot Your Time lapse Video

Shooting your time lapse footage is honestly the easiest part because you did all the heavy lifting beforehand. I promise you the more effort you put into the prep. The better your result will be.
I love to listen to audiobooks while I shoot long sunsets or sunrises. But for more time lapses I am shooting anywhere between 5-15 minutes so I just listen to Spotify.
Review Your Time lapse Video

Immediately after I shoot, and before I break down or move to the next shot. I will review it. Just to make sure I didn’t forget to change my white balance.
I’ll thumb through the images and check my shutter speed. My ISO, white balance, and framing one last time before I absolutely move on.
Breakdown Your Gear

Once I’ve finished reviewing and feel confident I have the shot in the can. I’ll either move on to the next location or break down my gear and head home.
If in the dark it’s really important we have a flashlight or a headlamp because it’s really easy to forget something on location.
In some situations, you’ll be off the beaten path so no one will steal it but it might be hard to get back to.
But in many situations, you might be in a place where a lot of people walk by so you could end up losing your gear.
Organize Your Time Lapse Video Footage

Once home I recommend organizing your footage. I travel a lot for work so I organize my footage by year and city/area locations.
Do whatever works best for you. But the worst thing is not being organized in some capacity and never being able to find the files again.
Backup Your Time Lapse Video Footage

Smartphones get lost, camera’s get stolen, SD cards fail. All of those have happened to me more times than I can remember and it sucks.
It only took me one lost camera and one hard drive failure to realize I need to back things up. If your hard drive fails, it can cost you $1,000 just to recover it.
SD cards are pretty inexpensive nowadays. So are external hard drives so there isn’t really much of a reason not to back things up.
It might be annoying to spend a little extra money and time backing everything up but you’ll be glad you did as soon as you lose or break something that had all your footage.
Edit the Time lapse Video

Once everything is backed up and organized you can comfortably begin editing the timelapse.
An easy-to-use beginner workflow would be to just shoot and edit it on your smartphone with the native editing tools.
I use a professional editing workflow using Lightroom and LRTimelapse (photo above) to color correct and deflicker my sequences which I go in a lot of detail here in this youtube video.
But you can also do a similar process in Final Cut Pro, Premiere, Davinci Resolve, After Effects or even your phone.
Share Your Time lapse Video on Your Preferred Platforms
When you’re done shooting, upload your finished video to your favorite social media platform. I’ve put mine everywhere over the years.
From Vimeo, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok, there isn’t a wrong place to put your video to share what you’ve been working on.
Backup the Final Time Lapse Video

The last tip is to back up your final timelapse video with the edit.
There are so many ways to do it, whether that be the cloud, dropbox, or even put a folder on your hard drive called Edited Timelapses and making a habit of putting your finished projects there.
Frequently Asked Questions about Making a Time lapse (FAQ)
Here are the most common questions people have about how to make a timelapse.
The easy way to make a timelapse video is to use your smartphone’s native time-lapse functions.
While the professional way is to make a timelapse video is to shoot 240 photos of a scene and edit the photos together to create a 10-second timelapse.
The best timelapse camera is the one you have. But I really recommend the Sony a7r series.
I currently shoot with the Sony a7rIII because it can take 8k stills, allowing me to make an 8k timelapse.
You absolutely can make a video timelapse on an iPhone using the native timelapse feature in the camera app.
100%. You can quickly make a video timelapse on a Samsung phone using the native timelapse feature in the camera app.
Yes! You can easily make a video timelapse on a Android phone using the native timelapse feature in the camera app.
The simplest way to make a timelapse video on your phone is to use your phones native camera app, and try the timelapse feature on your phone.
You absolutely can make a timelapse with photos. That is the best method to make a time-lapse.
It’s simple to make a timelapse in Premiere Pro. Just import your photos as a JPEG sequence and select your framerate. I recommend 24 fps because it’s what our eyes see. Resize the video if needed and export.
How to make a timelapse in Davinci Resolve?
It’s also easy to make a timelapse in Davinci Resolve. Just import your photos as a image sequence (or jpeg) and select which framerate you want. I recommend 24 fps because it’s what our eyes see. Resize the video if needed and export.
To make a timelapse in photoshop, you will need to have Photoshop CS6 or newer. Once the photos are in a JPEG sequence. Go to ‘File’ menu, and choose ‘Open’. Navigate to the folder with the jpeg sequence and select JUST THE FIRST Image. Down at the bottom check Image sequence and Open. Choose a frame rate. I recommend 24 fps because it’s what our eyes see. Resize the video if needed and export.
In my opinion, it’s clunky to make a timelapse in Lightroom ONLY. It would be much easier to do it almost any other way.
But you can. To do so bring your images into Lightroom.
Edit the first photo, and copy the settings to EVERY photo. Download this free preset. Import it into Lightroom. To import the preset into lightroom in your downloads look for the folder titled slideshow presets. Copy this folder then proceed to the folder that contains your Lightroom catalog.
From there go to Lightroom Settings, Develop Presets, and finally User Presets where you can drag and drop the downloaded folder.
Restart Lightroom and the presets will appear under your Template Browser tab to the left.
Then export the photos using lightrooms user templates and the 24fps template that you just installed.
In my opinion, it is rather clunky to make a timelapse in iMovie ONLY. But the steps to do it are to open a new project. Go to preferences and change the Photo Duration to 0,1 second.
Also changes your preferences of Photo Pacement to ‘Crop to Fill’. click Import media and select all your photos using Command + A on a Mac or Shift + A on a PC.
Do that one more time to drag all your photos onto the timeline. Adjust the size or crop and framerate if needed and export.
The best way to make a timelapse slower is to shoot with a faster interval.
The more photos or video you have, the slower the movement will appear.
It is never a good idea to try to make a timelapse slower by slowing down the footage.
This will result in really ugly and choppy-looking footage unless you invest in expensive third-party software like Twixtor.
Unless you shot straight video, it is impossible to make a timelapse video playback at normal speed. Fun fact, A single second of video is actually made up of 24 photos.
But if you shoot a timelapse using photos you typically shoot 1 photo per second. So you are missing 23 of the additional possible photos for that second.
That is why it is impossible (unless you recorded a video) to return your timelapse video to normal speed.
Depending on what video editor you use it is very easy to make your timelapse video faster. Just choose the speed option and change it to the desired speed you want!
How to change the speed on a timelapse video will vary from device to device but the methods all should be some form of, go to the speed function on your editor, and increase the speed until you are happy with the result.
Making a timelapse on instagram is actually pretty simple. Open up the app, press the camera icon and on the left hand side where there is 1x. Tap that and choose 4x.
This will allow you to record a video and speed it up 4x resulting in a faux timelapse that is pretty good for instagram.
It’s easy to make a timelapse on TikTok as well. To do so simply launch the app, and press the create icon at the bottom center of the app.
On the right-hand side of the icon bar, tap the 1x icon, slide it over to 3x, and make sure you have the video selected.
This will result in a faux timelapse that is actually pretty good for TikTok.
It’s hard to say exactly how long is a good timelapse because it is subjective. But I don’t recommend making them longer tha n 10 seconds. It will get boring.
On our smartphones, like iPhone for example. It records timelapses at 6x the speed.
Meaning for every six seconds of video we record, we get one-second of timelapse.
So to answer how long is a one-second timelapse is 1/6th of a second.
On Samsung or Android phones.
The settings are 5x to 60x. How long is a one-second timelapse will completely depend on the setting you used.
For iPhones, a thirty-minute timelapse would result in a 5 minute timelapse because the iPhone records at 6x.
For Samsung or android phones. A thirty-minute timelapse could be 5 minutes or 30 seconds because they can record at 5x-60x.
For iPhones, a one-hour timelapse would result in a 10-minute timelapse because the iPhone records at 6x.
For Samsung or android phones. A one-hour timelapse could be as long as 10 minutes at 5x or as short as 60 seconds at 60x because they can record at 5x-60x.
For iPhones, a two-hour timelapse would result in a 20-minute timelapse because the iPhone records at 6x.
For Samsung or android phones. A two-hour timelapse could be as long as 20 minutes or as short as two minutes because they can record at 5x-60x.
If you want to level up your time lapse and hyperlapse game so you can charge more money and save hours of headaches and frustration. I have made a course for you that over 400 students have enrolled in!
I’m confident Hyperflow Masterclass will get you from zero to shooting like a pro or I’ll give you your money back!
Check out the course here to see if it’s right for you.